Knee cApp
There are many deficits in the current body of research relating to the aetiology of recurrent patellofemoral joint dislocation in the paediatric and adolescent population. The Knee cApp registry will gather baseline data and PROMS to better understand how the multiple factors that cause the entity of recurrent dislocation interrelate. Hosted on the Data Dissect platform, Dr Sheanna Maine is the registry administrator. You can read our media release about the registry here.
Patient Recruitment features
Online Referral/Registration Form for recruitment of patients by GPs and Orthopaedic Surgeons
Patient/Participant features
eConsent Management
Patient Engagement Portal
Intro video for participants
Demographic information
Patient Baseline Questionnaire
Follow up PROMs
Automated reminders
Treating Clinician features
Demographic Information
Clinical data (comorbidities)
Radiology Findings
Surgical Procedures details
Radiology links for quick access
Basic Analytics via Quicksight
De-identified data in Registry

“Data Dissect is providing a cost-effective, tailored solution for this first of its kind patellofemoral clinical quality registry to help us get a better understanding of the causes of recurring dislocation and subloxation” – Dr Sheanna Maine
ANZ Hernia Registry
$350m is estimated to be the total cost of hernia repair each year in Australia, although there is little evidence to inform best practice in hernia repair, and what exists is of low quality. Despite there being >100 prosthetic hernia meshes available in the Australian market, there are limited data on their effectiveness, safety profile and morbidity, and many questions also remain regarding the best surgical technique for an individual patient.
There are several international hernia registries (USA, Germany, Denmark) that enable other countries to set national evidence-based benchmarks for hernia management and surgery. These inform the type of mesh used, repair techniques and more.

The ANZ Hernia Registry features include:
Online patient portal
Type of repair procedure recorded
Type of mesh used recorded in patient file via bar code scan
Patient identifiable information visible to clinical team only
De-identified patient data rolled up into virtual clinical quality registry (vCQR) & available for research studies
Data held in secure, cloud environment
The Lily Registry
Currently, in Australia, there is no other registry that systematically documents eating disorder treatment and outcomes of medically unstable inpatients. The Lily Registry will support best-practice multidisciplinary care and continuous quality improvement. ‘Better’ is the point.
This registry can help clinical teams adopt best practices; identify variations in care; and reduce costs by gaining insight into:
Time to haemodynamic/biochemical stability
Impact and effectiveness of MDTs
Effectiveness of one-to-one nursing
Incidence of refeeding syndrome
Establishment of a ‘physiological buffer’ beyond haemodynamic or biochemical stability
The cost versus the gains in terms of reduced readmission within 1 year.
Registry Features
eConsent solution for patients to provide their informed consent to participate
Patient engagement with the secure patient portal for online collection of responses to the Symptom Inventory ED–15 questionnaire
A collaborative approach of an MDT format providing a single view of the patient
Secure access to protect the confidentiality of patient data
Centralised Registry Service – a consolidated insights repository of de-identified data from multiple sites for real-time research.
“As a treating physician, I see firsthand the high physical and mental costs and serious consequences of poor-quality care for medically unstable patients with eating disorders. Real-time treatment insights gained through the Lily Registry will allow us to determine best practice care plans for current and future patient cohorts and will reduce the very high burden of this disease.” - Dr Patrick Russell

Cardiac Rehab Especially for Women
About CREW
Cardiac Rehabilitation Especially for Women (CREW) is a person-centred, co-designed care pathway embedded within the South Australian Country Heart Attack Prevention (CHAP) Project to meet the needs and preferences of Australian women living in rural and remote areas with cardiovascular disease.

“From CHAP to CREW, we now have a robust platform full of content to help all Australians on their cardiac rehabilitation journey. The Data Dissect team were instrumental in delivering the project and we have already seen an uptick in cardiac rehab completion rates based on this new model of care.” - Prof Robyn Clark
Data Dissect’s Role
Data Dissect migrated existing content to our secure web platform and extended the platform for CREW – including online CR modules designed specifically for women with cardiovascular disease.
Participants self-register via QR code/link provided upon discharge from hospital or by their referring health professional.
The site is:
Interactive and on demand – participants can complete modules at their own pace on the same platform and GPs can then track their progress
Flexible and customisable – easy to change/add new content to suit different target groups
Extensive – comprising 38 modules with over 320 pages of content
Cost effective and scalable – licensing, maintenance and support via a SaaS model that can cater to few or many.
VITAL Registry
VITAL is the Virtual registry of peri-/menopause in Australia. Having garnered extensive media attention, the VITAL registry invites participants to complete an online questionnaire to measure the actual burden of the condition on their lives, and the lives of those around them.
Despite its natural occurrence, peri-menopause and menopause remain hidden conditions, with >85% of affected Australians experiencing significant symptoms mostly undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, untreated, and/or mistreated.
VITAL registry data will ultimately facilitate more attention to improving quality of life and subsequent health outcomes for perimenopause and menopausal Australians.
Registry Features
Real-time insights and reporting
Advanced logic and branching of questions
Share survey via QR Code, social medial, email, link or website
Respondents can be anonymous or provide details for future contact.
“I decided to create the community driven VITAL registry to give a voice to the perimenopause and menopausal population; to define what peri really means, what really matters to them and its true, and
hidden impacts across the country. Data Dissect have been wonderful partners in this undertaking." - A/Prof Erin Morton